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Club Meetings

The club meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at Seven Ponds Nature Center in Dryden, MI. Weather permitting, hive inspections start at 5:30 pm. The nature Center opens for questions and socializing at 6:30 pm. The official meeting then begins at 7:30 pm. We collect membership dues over the first few months of the year. $10 includes use of club extracting equipment and access to our library. You can find our membership form under the club membership tab. Below you will find a list of some of our favorite websites. 

Favorite Websites

Seven Ponds Nature Center -

MichiganBeekeepers -

Michigan Beekeepers Association -

Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association -

University of Georgia Honey BeeProgram -

Department of Entomology, Michigan State University -

Apiary Inspectors of America -

The American Apitherapy Society Inc -

The Practical Beekeeper -

New/Old Beekeeping Discoveries -

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